We´ve all been there! December has arrived and the silly season is upon us where everyone goes crazy partying, drinking and binging, so if weight loss is going to be your New Year´s resolution, wouldn´t it be nice to lose weight before January 1st? Think about it for a second! Just imagine losing a few kilos and feeling fitter, lighter, leaner, more energized and vibrant before Xmas. Imagine feeling relief on the 31st of December, knowing that you have already achieved your NY Resolution or at least a part of it. So I hear you asking yourself, yes, that´s easy to say, but what about all the parties and festivities that are coming up? Yes, you are right, but stick with me on this one. You can´t cancel going to the events and drinking water all night at a party when you enjoy a drink. It is no fun at all, and I can relate to that because I love a glass of wine or two as well! So hang in there, all is not lost, let me provide you with my top 5 weight loss tips to handle the upcoming silly season.
The first thing to do is decide and focus on your body transformation goal. Deciding to do it and sticking to it is the most important part. Visualize yourself on the 31st of December and imagine how you will feel. If you find yourself slipping into excuses and having excessive mind-talk about why not to do it, remind yourself about the benefits and the feeling of achievement you will have.
Now, this is a touchy subject in the silly season but it´s important because alcohol is what puts on the pounds!. Alcohol has a lot of calories mainly empty calories, which have no nutritional value. However, it doesn´t mean that you should go without it, it just means balancing it out. So if you have 2-3 events per week, make sure that you don´t drink in the evenings when you are at home or not attending an event. Make a compromise and tell yourself that drinking is ok when attending the parties.
During the events, try and pace your drinking and drink more slowly and alternate one alcoholic drink for one glass of water. Drinking more water will fill you up and also help to dilute the alcohol and help the body transport it out of the system. Don´t forget that alcohol, is a toxin and the bodies job is to recognize it, metabolize it and get rid of it asap that´s why water is so important. Another important point to bear in mind when losing weight is that the alcohol consumed will be burned first before the body burns any fat. Food for thought!
Intermittent Fasting is all the craze these days and is done by many celebrities. I´m a huge fan of this. It´s an eating regime that switches between a fed state, which is eating, and a fasting state. There are different variations, but eating within 8-10 hours is the most common. It can help your body transform naturally and safely by turning up your fat-burning furnace and burning fat even when you sleep!
If your parties take place in the evening, shift your eating window to later in the day. For example, skip breakfast and start eating around 1 pm. If you have lunch parties, you may have the possibility to skip your evening meal. Having a good 16 hours of fasting and drinking water or herbal tea will help your body and may assist in weight loss. One important thing is that if you are drinking alcohol when doing intermittent fasting, make sure you have substantial foods in your stomach before you go for alcoholic drinks because when I did Intermittent Fasting, I found that alcohol went through my system much quicker. Even one glass of wine had me giggling.
If you would like further information about Intermittent fasting, Check out my Intermittent fasting journey on YouTube and feel free to download my FREE ebook – Eat Clean – Get Lean with Intermittent Fasting
Exercise will keep your calorie-burning furnace powered up, so incorporate cardio exercises like power walking or jogging. The silly season adds many additional calories to the diet, so it´s important to keep the body moving and fire up that calorie-burning furnace. In addition, exercise will also help the body get rid of toxins.
Parties and dinners are normally full of unhealthy processed foods, and as I always say, with everything in balance, it´s okay to eat these foods in the silly season. Still, I would suggest introducing mega-healthy days in between, which consist of eating lots of fruits and veggies, having low-carb foods, and eliminating processed foods on the non-festive days. Remember to skip alcohol on these days. I have a power shake every day, even on party days, as I know this fuels my body with the necessary nutrients and vitamins I need. You can see details of the Power-shake and healthy foods that I consume on my website:
So there you have it! Let me know how you get on with your weight loss regime throughout the silly season. I wish you lots of fun and all the very best for the festive season.
You can see the 5 Top Weight Loss Tips For The Silly Season video on Youtube
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Wine Glass: Downloaded from PIXABAY – Free Download – Royal Right Free to Use under the Simplified PIXABY License. CREDIT AUTHOR: Aline Ponce –
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You must consult your doctor before embarking on any diet or nutritional/exercise program detailed on this website, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition. Your doctor knows what is right for you.
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1 Comment
Hi Jo, thanks for this great post. I took your advice and I didn´t put on any weight over Xmas. Just wanted to let you know. All the best for the New Year!