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Imagine what it would be liked to feel fresh, revived, more energized and clean on the inside. Keep reading, and I’ll let you know how these top 5 juices for cleansing, weight loss & glowing skin may help your waistline as well as getting that facial glow back again. It’s never too late to press that reset button and detox your liver. Stay tuned and find out how you can cleanse your liver and reap the health benefits for body, mind and well-being.
A detox is a great way to cleanse the body, especially after festivities like Xmas, birthday parties and times of stress. The body gets clogged up, and one has to imagine the body like an engine. We need to make sure that it has excellent fuel, water and that we look after it when the engine is running; otherwise the engine can’t do its job correctly, and it breaks down. Our body is no different. So I dare you to give your body a 3-day detox.
I integrate a 3-day Juice only cleanse once a month to give my system a good clean out and I drink juices throughout each day as well as drinking lots of water. I don’t do any excessive fitness workouts, and I find that Yoga, walking and stretching assist the detox process a lot better than strenuous exercise. However, you can incorporate juices into your daily diet to give you a daily boost and additional energy.
So before we dive in, let’s get started with some useful tips before you dig out your juicer /blender and stock up on your fruits and veggies.
Get yourself a decent Juicer /and or Blender. It doesn´t have to be an expensive one. There are many quality juicers and blenders around for a reasonable price. I use this Juicer which is available on Amazon, as well as using the Nutribullet. The Nutribullet extracts everything, so if you want the added fibre I suggest giving this product a try.
I like to consume most of my fruit and veggie juices alone so that the real benefits of each juice are 100% in their active state. However, you can do combinations with other fruits and vegetables should you wish. Drinking the juice without the fibre allows our digestion to have some “time off” so that the body can concentrate on healing and repairing. The vitamins and minerals are pretty concentrated when drunk in juice form, allowing them to head straight for the bloodstream where the body utilizes them straight away.
Try drinking the juices on an empty stomach and leave at least 45 mins either side before eating or drinking anything else. In the morning, I normally have freshly squeezed lemon juice with lukewarm water and I add celery juice around one hour later.
If it´s not possible to get organic produce, make sure to scrub and wash them thoroughly, preferably with a fruit and veggie wash. This is the one I use, and you can get it from Amazon
Cucumber is excellent as it supports healthy skin and rehydrates the body. It provides a natural glow, and it is one of the best natural diuretics around which helps to flush out the kidneys and the liver. It has fantastic anti-inflammatory benefits which help against skin problems like eczema and psoriasis. Cucumber is one of my favourite juices, as It’s cooling, soothes and refreshes. It as approx 48 calories per 230ml. Juice it with its skin on and try replacing sugary drinks with this wonderful, healthy juice.
It has vitamin A, C & K, magnesium, B6, phosphorus, iron, calcium, potassium zinc and is highly alkalizing. It’s great for the skin it is very hydrating and helps against bloating, inflammation, Heartburn, Gastritis, Ulcers, Indigestion, Water retention and is excellent for the skin.
If you are unable to drink cucumber juice alone, then add an apple or kiwi.
Pomegranate juice is an ancient wonder fruit. It’s been used for centuries for healing illnesses and ailments. It’s known for its medicinal properties and for its bright, ruby red coloured arils (seeds) which deliver antioxidants, polyphenols, vitamins and minerals. It tastes slightly bitter and sweet at the same time and is low in calories. The antioxidants and polyphenols found in pomegranate, are known to act as an appetite suppressant as well as assisting with fat burning and boosting the metabolism, all of which may help with weight loss.
It will boost your immune system and help you to feel healthier, vitalized and provide great looking skin. Half a cup has approx 75 calories. They may help to protect against cancer, aid digestion, lower cholesterol and helps to clean up the arteries and keep them elastic for better blood flow. Pomegranates are anti-inflammatory and contribute to lower blood pressure.
I use a blender or the Nutribullet to make pomegranate juice as it’s easier than using a juicer. Juicing them doesn’t take all the juice out of the seeds, and one needs to keep putting them through the juicer. So I blend them and strain the seeds through a sieve to extract more of the juice out. You’ll need around 3-4 large Pomegranates for one glass of juice.
Make sure to cut the root top of the pomegranate and score the sides. Then, add the sections into a small bowl of water as this helps not to squash the juice out of the arils. This process limits the splashing of the juice as the juice goes everywhere and it can stain. You may want to wear an apron when preparing and leave out your white crisp shirt for another day!! Take out the fleshy pulp and add the arils to a blender.
Blend the arils and pour the juice into a strainer. Strain the liquid over a bowl. I find that the juice tastes much better without the arils as these play havoc on my teeth after drinking it and I think it tastes much better without but maybe you want to try it both ways. Pomegranate mixes well with other fruits such as apples and pears.
I’ve been drinking celery juice now for around 10 months, and I love it. It gives me so much energy and helps me to de-bloat. I also feel that my digestion has been supercharged.
It has around 6kcal per stalk, which is low calorie and makes you feel full and can be excellent as part of any weight loss program. The stalk itself makes a great “on the go” snack.
Celery Juice is a powerful liver cleanser that in return will help you to flush out toxins and excess water. This tasty herb has incredible Healing Properties due to its powerful antioxidant ingredients, and when it’s juiced by itself, it helps to regenerate and heal. It contains natural sodium, potassium, water and vitamins A, B6, C & K as well as folate, iron, magnesium and zinc. It has potent anti-inflammatory, antiviral & antioxidant properties. As you can imagine, all these nutrients working in synergy with each other can have a powerful healing effect on the body. It can aid any weight loss regime and you may see amazing results for glowing skin.
Try and drink around 16oz/473ml PURE organic celery per day, in the morning on an empty stomach and make sure to drink it straight away as this will help to keep the nutrients intact. Drinking it on an empty stomach first thing will help your body to better digest the rest of the food that you eat during that day.
This is a special Juice for me because I am in love with its deep red-purple colour. The red pigment comes from flavonoids and its bitter, mildly spicy sharp taste comes from its sulphur base
It’s high in sulforaphane which is a cancer-fighting polyphenol and will help to clear the gut and any lurking bacteria. Have you ever heard of vitamin U? Vitamin U is an enzyme found in green and red vegetables and helps to treat and prevent ulcers as well as treat gastritis. In addition, Vitamin U has an antihistamine effect.
Benefits of Red cabbage:
I am incredibly lucky to have a Quince tree in my garden. This is a rare, unique fruit and looks very much like a pear. They are seasonal fruit and are yellow rarely eaten raw. The inside is stone-hard. It’s tangy, bitter and sweet all at the same time and it has incredible healing properties.
Quince is rich in vitamins and minerals such as selenium, vitamin a, b & c, potassium, iron, copper, zinc, phosphorus,
Digestive disorders such as stomach ulcers may also benefit from Quince. They are immune-boosting which may be good against colds during the winter months. They aid weight loss, reduce inflammation and a great booster for the skin.
Scrub them hard underwater and juice them with their skin on as well as taking out the core. If you get the hardcore in your juicer, your juicer is liable to breakdown. The juice tastes bitter and creamy and should be drunk straight away as it oxidizes very quickly.
In addition to juicing Quince, I bake them in the oven with some vegetable oil or olive oil for about 25 mins. They taste sweet and bitter. If juicing them for your cleansing regime is not of your liking, try baking them. You will also get their added fibre benefit from cooking them. They are low in calories, making them an ideal substitute for starchy potatoes. They are great for weight loss because they are low in calories.
Depending on how long your cleanse lasts, you may feel the following symptoms such as extreme cravings which can come from withdrawal from sugar or caffeine or it could mean that you are not getting sufficient calories. You may also experience symptoms such as:
These are all a part of the ‘cleaning up’ process. The body is in a constant state of detoxifying itself (it does this naturally every day), so don’t let these symptoms put you off. Just go through them, and you will love the result awaiting on the other side. If these symptoms do persist over a more extended period, make sure you consult your physician.
First of all, whether you do a 3 day, 5 days, or longer fast, be sure to break your cleanse with light fruits and nothing too heavy. Slowly begin to add more fibrous fruits to your diet. You can repeat a detox as often as you wish to try and make it an integral part of your life and keep your body flowing with all the natural healing sources fruits and veggies have to offer.
Good Luck with your cleanse! Let me know how you get on and feel free to leave a comment if you have any questions! Thanks for following! Yours in Health. Jo
You can see My Top 5 Juices for Cleansing, Weight Loss & Glowing Skin video on Youtube
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You must consult your doctor before embarking on any diet or nutritional/exercise program detailed on this website, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition. Your doctor knows what is right for you.
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Thanks for an informative post Jo. I checked out your YouTube video too. You really provide great content. Thanks and all the best for 2020
Thanks Beatrix. You´re welcome. Glad you like the Youtube video as well. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me anytime. Wishing you all the best for 2020.
Like!! Great article post.Really thank you! Really Cool.
Many thanks. Glad you like it. Really appreciate your feedback!