Add these top 12 Fat-Burning Superfoods for healthy weight loss and fire up your fat-burning furnace! If you are trying to lose weight nothing replaces, a good diet and exercise regime, but adding superfoods to your diet may help your body to naturally re-wire itself and help you to lose weight naturally.
For optimum health and healthy weight loss, it´s important to eat clean foods, which means, eating foods that are in their natural state. Throw out any processed foods, junk foods and any foods that are man-made. The more you eat clean, unprocessed foods, the more your body will start to crave these. Natural weight loss will occur.
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Ginger is one of my favourite spices and it has amazing health and healing properties. It is antibacterial and anti-inflammatory and has become very popular around the world. It can be made as a tea, added to recipes or taken in capsule form. I personally like to drink it as tea and then eat the ginger afterwards.
It´s amazing for weight loss as it helps to keep the blood glucose levels balanced as these levels have an immense impact on weight gain and weight loss. It curbs hunger making you feel less hungry, therefore, decreasing calorie intake. In addition, it speeds up the metabolism which keeps those calories burning for longer.
Ginger also helps to regulate insulin. Insulin regulates the amount of glucose in the blood and when insulin is in the blood it’s very hard for the body to burn fat. When insulin is in the way, then fat burning will not come out to play. Insulin is also a fat-storing hormone so it´s important to keep these levels low and ginger can help with that.
Other amazing benefits include improving digestion and relieving gastritis. It is highly rich in antioxidants and great to treat nausea. Try mixing ginger with some lemon and hot water and drinking it throughout the day. It will boost your immune system and as it is rich in vitamin C it will help to fight off any colds or flu that may be lurking.
Cranberries are one of the most powerful antioxidants around. They are fab for weight loss as they are low in calories and one cup has around 50kcal per serving. They are, high in nutrients, high in fibre and make an ideal snack. Cranberries may also control sugar spikes after eating which will help to keep insulin low. Keeping insulin low aids fat loss. Additional health benefits such as heart health, digestive health, oral health and boosting the immune system are the amazing benefits Cranberries have to offer. Try eating cranberries with Yoghurt or Oatmeal.
Garlic has been used for thousands of years and was used by the Egyptians when building the pyramids so that it kept them strong and healthy. It is well researched and it´s amazing for the immune system, the heart and is an anti-cancer food. Garlic boosts the immune system and regulates blood sugar levels as well as insulin which helps aid weight loss. One does not always necessarily smell good after eating garlic, but adding this to your daily diet will boost your health in many ways. It´s known to lower blood pressure and has antimicrobial properties.
Matcha Green tea is the highest quality powdered green tea available as the whole tea leaf is ground and consumed. One cup of Matcha tea has antioxidants equivalent to 10 cups of normal green tea. It Has mega high amounts of Antioxidants, as well as vitamins, minerals and chlorophyll. 1gm provides approx 3 kcal and 35mg of caffeine, keeping you alert and energized throughout the day.
Matcha boosts metabolism and helps us to burn fat throughout the day as it has a thermogenic effect on the body (this is the body´s individual process of burning its own calories). This makes it a great fat-burning superfood for healthy weight loss. The caffeine content also helps with fat-burning as caffeine has been proven to suppress appetite and boost metabolism, however, the Antioxidant Catechins (EGCG – Epigallocatechin Gallate – which is spelt out here below ) within Matcha tea is huge on metabolising fat. EGCG also has cancer-fighting and antibiotic properties.
Norepinephrine is a substance in the body that send signals between the nerve cells in times of stress. The EGCG in Matcha tea blocks enzymes that break down Norepinephrine allowing its fat-burning ability to be done efficiently. The higher the Norepinephrine levels, the higher the metabolism.
In addition, it´s great for detoxifying the body. The chlorophyll helps the body to detoxify as it removes chemical toxins and metals from the body,
So try Matcha tea first thing in the morning and up to around 4 pm. if you work out then have it an hour before you work out. It will boost your fat-burning beforehand. Try not to drink in the evening due to the caffeine content that may keep you awake.
Broccoli is brilliant for weight loss because it is high in fibre, low in calories and low in carbs. It´s full of vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals. It´s a good source of vitamin A, B6, C & K and is packed with folate, phosphorus, zinc and potassium. It has a powerful antioxidant phytonutrient called sulforaphane which is known to scavenge free radicals in the body, fight cancer and is known for anti-ageing properties. Broccoli can be added to most dishes including meat, turkey, chicken and fish.
Raw Organic Cacao has 40 times more antioxidants than blueberries! Cacao is a great healthy option when trying to lose weight as it´s low in calories. It´s known as one of the highest plant sources of iron. It´s excellent at boosting fat metabolism so it helps you keep your calorie-burning furnace active and allows you to burn fat for energy.
Additionally, it has more calcium than cow’s milk. Please don´t confuse it with Cocoa, which is a chemically processed version of the bean. Raw organic cacao is Packed with vitamins and minerals such as magnesium, it´s a perfect option for fuelling the body with the right fuel. Due to the natural chemicals in Cacao such as serotonin, we are able to get that easy, calm, relaxed feeling that gives us an instant kick.
You can do so many things with Cacao like mixing it into a smoothie, making brownies, or try mixing it with almond milk for a refreshing, healthy shake.
The above product is the one that I use and it can be purchased on Amazon.
Coconut Oil has to be the friendliest fat for weight loss on the planet. It´s high in Medium Chain fatty acids (MCTs) that boost metabolism. These types of fats are metabolized differently from other fats in our diets and are more readily available for energy. It aids weight loss as it curbs appetite, therefore, allowing us to ingest fewer calories. Coconut helps to reduce cholesterol, is great for skin and hair. I absolutely love this and cook with it very often. It´s antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral.
This mega superfood is rich in healthy fats that assist your body to burn fat efficiently and is low carb which makes it an excellent food choice for weight loss. It´s high in vitamins and minerals as well as fibre which makes you feel full. Eaten sparingly, Avocado is a great compliment to any weight loss regime.
Cauliflower is great for weight loss. It´s low in calories and high in fibre making it an excellent addition to fish, meat and poultry dishes. Rich in vitamins C, E & K, it helps to reduce inflammation as well as boost the immune system. I eat a lot of cauliflower by making it as a fluffy mash and adding a topping of parmesan. Cauliflower contains the cancer-fighting phytonutrient sulforaphane, as it´s from the same vegetable family as broccoli. It slows the digestion process and makes you feel full which can help when one is trying to restrict calories. It´s an excellent superfood for fat-burning and healthy weight loss.
Blueberries are another superfood full of antioxidants, fibre, vitamin C and potassium. They are low in calories and curb the hunger pangs making them an excellent, nutritious snack when losing weight. In addition, they are anti-ageing and help to reduce DNA damage. They can be added to smoothies, yoghurt and oatmeal.
Salmon is a great source of lean protein and is full of omega 3 fatty acids. Eating lean proteins may help to preserve lean muscle mass while you lose fat. It´s an excellent source of vitamin B, D, as well as minerals such as phosphorus, selenium and potassium. Salmon does have more calories than most other fish therefore one feels full after eating it. It also boosts brain health and may reduce the risk of heart disease.
An apple a day keeps the doctor away! Well, there is some truth in that! Apples are loaded with dietary fibre, vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients. All the phytonutrients work in synergy with each other providing the cells with optimum nourishment. Apples make you feel full, and fuller for longer so it´s always good to have them handy.
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The information in this blog is for educational purposes only and does not replace any advice given by a medical practitioner or nutritional therapist.
You must consult your doctor before embarking on any diet or nutritional/exercise program detailed on this website, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition. Your doctor knows what is right for you.
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Hey Jo, thanks so much for an interesting article about Superfoods. This is really cool. I am also going to check out the Noom program. I´ve heard a lot about it and your post just reminded me today that I need to have a look. I am trying to lose weight but I need some kind of tool to make me accountable and stay on track. Thanks again. Love your posts!
Thanks Melissa, glad you like it. Let me know how you get on with Noom. It´s a brilliant program.
Great Post Jo! Keep up the good work. 🙂
Thanks Adam! Appreciate your feedback 🙂
Fab post and very informative. Could do with some online coaching. I entered into your draw for coaching. Hope I win 🙂
Thanks Simon. Really glad you like it. Good luck with the draw! 🙂
Thanks for your comment and compliment! Really appreciate your feedback. I do all my blogs myself! All the best. Jo
Thank you so much for this insightful post. Your writing is very good, thanks.